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  • #479026

    Dear developers

    I have a serious issue, frequently strucking me in recent days. I experencied weird behaviour of color section, layer slider and masonry element (and a weird example when within a color section were placed 3 1/3 grid elements, and into these simple contents. At first it extended to full with browser 100%, but later, recreating the page it was correct, with the same settings.)

    The below example shows, a full witdth masonry, however there should be a right sidebar as in other pages, seems to me that something is broken, these 100% width elements, want to extend full 100% of the browser window, not the 100% of the container in which they are placed.

    Unfortunately this problem is reproducible! On a different site (test-site, with this same theme) the problem is the same.


    Something similar issue was shown in this support forum here:



    I’m not sure I’m understanding you correctly but when using a full width element, that element will show the full width of the browser and the sidebar will show beneath it, just like in the example you linked to. If you want to sidebar to show to the right of the section then you can use a 1/1 containing element for example.



    Dear Rikard!

    Thank you for your answer. I really appreciate your time and effort to answer me. I happen to understand this behaviour yesterday in my trial and error experiments.

    I feel it’s a problem that there is no warning or any clear indication within the visual editor that the given element is a full width element. It would be good to avoid misunderstanding. I think you should arrange the visual editor top bar elements into clearly defined rows, saying that this is this or that (full widht elements, tolerates sidebar…), this is just a suggestion.

    Likewise when I place a layerslider element into a page where there is a sidebar, it ruins that page because the above mentioned problems, or behaviour. Additionaly I can not place layerslider within an 1/1 element, but inside a text element using the layerslider shortcode. It should be solved somehow or documented right at place in the element as a warning or something.

    Other problem: If I place an 1/3 row, and besides this 2 additional 1/3 rows, and switch on equal height, and want to use the below ‘custom top and bottom margin’ function than with this correlation it won’t take into consideration this custom margin setting. Like here, under the slider: (a test site). Now I use individual height to get the margin setting work.

    Thank you. I love your theme anyway, it’s really a masterpiece in the see of wordpress themes. I hope these problems would be solved to make this theme even better.

    Mihály from Hungary


    Hey Mihály,

    Thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it. You’re absolutely right that the interaction could be better and that we could be more clear on how elements will behave, we will hopefully get better at this in the future. Until then, you can have a look at the documentation we have available here: Please let us know if you should have any other questions or problems we could help you out with.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Rikard.
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