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  • #919086

    Please apologize to make noise here, I have little problem with breadcrump translation in german.
    Actually in file \enfold\lang\de_DE.po
    You translate “You are here” to “Du bist hier”
    This is not polite form, we must use here “Sie sind hier”

    I will make change locally but can you please do it in your codebase to avoid me lost changes when update theme?

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by tsab_cb.


    Please go to Settings > General and set your site’s language to German formal and de_DE_formal language files should be used :)

    Best regards,


    @yigit thanks to answer and seems nice but Im using “polylang” and i don’t want my default language (wordpress too) to be german.

    Actuall Settings>General is set to French and I would keep it in French.

    Idea would be to set de_DE_formal by default, can you ?

    Don’t you think formal should be by default?



    In that case you can go to enfold/lang/ folder and rename files from “de_DE_formal” to “de_DE”. Which should be default is actually not decided by us but depends on users choice while setting up languages :)


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