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  • #1410062


    on my website the breadcrumbs are showing the wrong category on multiple pages.
    For example starting page:
    –> Destinationen –>Österreich –> it shows Incentives
    –> Destinationen –> Deutschland –> it doesn’t show the middle category.

    when you click on Italien, thats how it’s supposed to be: Startseite/Reisethemen/Unsere Destinationen/Italien

    as you click through the website (for example B2B–> Destinationen –> Österreich) you will see that some of the categories are right, some of them are wrong.

    I guess it has to do something with the portfolio categories but from my point of view they are all sorted.
    I’ve put in the breadcrumbs per shortcode.

    I’ve generated a user for you to go into the backend. See private details below.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hey Stefan,
    Thanks for your patience but you login page also requires another login account so we can not check the backend.
    We don’t have a way to customize the breadcrumb structure, but I beleve that you can use the Yoast plugin to do this, it also uses a shortcode.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the answer – i’ll be looking into it and ask again if I don’t come up with a solution. Maybe Yoast works :-)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Stefan.
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