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  • #253776

    What do I have to do to remove the “You are here:” text from the breadcrumbs?

    Second part to this question: I’m thinking about removing the text “Home” and replacing it with a home icon. Any easy way to do that? Is there a way to reference the font awesome home icon so it scales nicely or should I just stick with a PNG?


    Hey mgerenser!

    1- Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab

    span.trail-before {
    display: none!important;

    2- Please see – https://kriesi.at/support/topic/icons-in-menu/



    Thanks Yigit for #1. Works great.

    I read through the link you gave me, but I’m not getting it. I want to replace “Home” in the breadcrumbs with a home icon, not in the menu.

    New question: I want to add a little content to the right side of the breadcrumbs area. Basically something that says “Questions? Call us today at 555.123.4567!” What’s the best way to do that?




    You can add following code to Quick CSS as well and adjust as needed

    .title_container .breadcrumb:after { content: 'call us now!'; }



    Yigit, thank you!

    So how do I align the “call us now” text to the right side of the breadcrumb area? Also, can I style this text differently than the breadcrumbs (for example, make it dark blue and bold)?



    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .title_container .breadcrumb:after { content: 'call us now!'; float: right; color: blue; }

    Best regards,


    Yigit, got a question about using :after in the breadcrumbs bar. My concern is that this won’t be searchable. Is there another way to implement this? Also, how can we safely make the phone number click-to-call on mobile devices? I want to add a tag to my “call to action” text.

    /* Adds phone number to breadcrumb bar */
    .title_container .breadcrumb:after { content: ‘Questions? Call us at+1.585.XXX.XXXX’; float: right; color: #d84c00; font-weight:bold;}


    make the phone number 585-867-5309
    or use tel:



    There is a way to actually insert content after the breadcrumb, refer to this topic:



    Josue, thanks. I used the code from the other thread and added it to my functions.php file in my child theme:

    function after_breadcrumb_func($breadcrumb){
    	$output = $breadcrumb;
    	$output .= "<div>Questions? Call us!</div>";
    	return $output;
    add_action('avia_breadcrumbs', 'after_breadcrumb_func');

    So now all I want to do is align this new text to the right side of the breadcrumbs bar (horizontally even with the breadcrumbs on the left). And I want to make it bold and orange. Thanks!



    Can you post the link to your website please?



    http://redcom.wpengine.com/products/commercial/slice/ (hosted on WPengine)

    You can see what I’m trying to do in the breadcrumbs bar. I want the breadcrumbs aligned left, and the phone number stuff aligned right. Phone number needs to be bold.



    Give that div a class of phone-info and add this to the Quick CSS;

    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    top: 35%;



    How Can I remove the Home link from the breadcrumbs?



    Try adding this code to the Quick CSS:

    .trail-begin{ pointer-events: none; }



    Hi Josue,

    Did not work…

    At breadcrumbs Home / xxx / xxx – I would like to remove the Home link from this trail on Breadcrumbs.



    Can you post the link to your website please?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .breadcrumb-trail > span:nth-child(2), .breadcrumb-trail > span:nth-child(3) {
      display: none;

    But it sounds like your only wanting to do this on your single posts correct? If so then do this instead.

    .single .breadcrumb-trail > span:nth-child(2), .single .breadcrumb-trail > span:nth-child(3) {
      display: none;

    Best regards,


    Was this ever answered? Only in the breadcrumbs section… Change the ‘home’ text link to a home icon using the icons that are already linked in Enfold. (entypo-fontello). Greatly appreciated.


    To move the breadcrumbs to the left, Please try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    .title_container .breadcrumb {
        left: 50px !important; 
        right: auto !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, Not quite what I was asking. The breadcrumbs on every site look like this: HOME / LINK1 / LINK2. (an example is at the top of this page) I need the ‘HOME’ link to be a house icon. Using the Entypo-Fontello Font styling. Thank You.


    Hi CoreyNordwall,

    Please refer to a solution here

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    That’ll do it. Thank you very much.



    Great, glad we could help you :)

    Best regards,

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