Tagged: breadcrumbs
Hi, I want to modify first link and name in the breadcrumbs navigation. Now there is by default blog home and but I need have another blog page. What shall I modify to achieve this functionality?
Thank you
Hi marthen!
We do have a filter for that
add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_args', 'avia_change_home_breadcrumb', 10, 1);
function avia_change_home_breadcrumb($args){
$args['show_home'] = 'CHANGE THE HOME TEXT HERE';
return $args;
Give it a look and let us know if we can help you with anything else
Best regards,
Hi Basilis,
thank you for the reply. Where shall I put the filter code? At the same time I need to change also the link for the new home text. What is the right parameter for URL change?
Add the code in the functions.php file. Replace it with:
add_filter( 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mods', 50, 2 );
function avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mods( $trail, $args ) {
$homeurl = 'URL HERE';
$hometitle = 'TITLE HERE';
if ( is_front_page() ) return;
$trail[0] = '<a href="' . $homeurl . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) . '" rel="home" class="trail-begin">'. $hometitle .'</a>';
return $trail;
Adjust the value of the $homeurl and $hometitle.
Best regards,
Thank you. Is it possible to have two different breadcrumbs trails? Actually we have 2 homes – for public pages and members pages.
You can try the is_page conditional. https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/is_page/