although the breadcrumbs settings within the page are the same, breadcrumbs doesn’t appear on some pages.
“display title and breadcrumbs” is selected under “Header Title and Breadcrumbs” in the theme settings.
the styles of listed titles under the latest blog (son yazılar) header in the blog page appear different. Is there any way to set them like gelismeler under the categories (kategoriler).
Is there anybody here? (:
Merhabalar :)
Login credentials are not working for me. Could you please check them once again?
Best regards,
Ok (:
1- I enabled Custom Fields (Özel Alanlar) in Settings and checked “header” and it was set to “no” – https://prnt.sc/q5o31x. I simply typed “yes” and updated your page. I am not sure why exactly this issue occurs but in case it happens in future, please check if header is set to “yes” in custom fields.
2- I added following code to bottom of Style.css file of your child theme in Appearance > Editor
.recentcomments a, .widget_recent_entries li a {
font-style: inherit;
font-family: inherit;
font-size: 13px;
Please review your website :)
Best regards,
Teşekkürler Yiğit (: