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  • #1182230

    First of all, sorry about my english :/
    I want to put the breadcrumb below the first colour section, positioned on the right side. Is it possible?
    In the private content I wrote the link of the page.
    Could you help me?
    Thanks in advance!


    Hey andyqueanda,
    Thank you for the link, but I do not see any breadcrumbs, are they disabled right now, or do you mean a different page?
    If it is this page then please enable the breadcrumbs so we can see them and include a screenshot mockup where you would like them to be.

    Best regards,


    Sorry Mike!
    Breadcrumbs were disabled :(
    I turned it on again!
    Excuse me :/


    Thank you, Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:

    function custom_breadcrumb_script(){
    (function($) {
      $(window).load(function() {
        $(' .breadcrumb.breadcrumbs.avia-breadcrumbs').detach().insertAfter('#av_section_1').css({ "float": "right" });
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_breadcrumb_script');

    This is for the one page that you linked to, I examined some of the other pages but they don’t have the same layout.
    Expected results:

    Best regards,

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