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  • #1365750

    i have
    …a CPT called “classes”.
    ….12 posts in this CPT.
    ….4 CPT-categories.
    ….a page with a masonry that calls all posts from all 4 CPT-categories.

    So far so good.

    The breadcrumb should of course help people to know where they are.
    Actually the breadcrumb is:
    Sie sind hier: Startseite/SinglePost
    But it should say at least:
    Sie sind hier: Startseite/PagewiththeMasonry/SinglePost

    How to fix that?



    Hey evas49,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The parent page will only be included in the breadcrumb if it is set as the main blog page in the Enfold > Theme Options panel. Did you set the page containing the masonry element as the default blog page?

    You can also use the avia_breadcrumbs_trail filter to manually adjust the trail and include a specific page when a certain custom post type entry is in view. Usage example can be found in the following links.


    Best regards,


    1:Of course not, cause its a CPT.
    I wouldn`t use a CPT if i had blogposts still available.

    2:Whats the codesnippet i need to put in the functions.php to show the hierarchy in the breadcrumb?




    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Try to use this filter in the functions.php file to append a custom trail to the breadcrumb.

    function avia_adjust_breadcrumb($trail) {
               if( is_singular( 'post_type' ) ) {
    	         $trail[1] = '<a href="" title="Page with Masonry" rel="pagewithmasonry"> PagewiththeMasonry </a>';
    	   return $trail;
      add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'avia_adjust_breadcrumb', 50, 1);

    Best regards,


    Almost, but:
    “Sie sind hier: Startseite / / PagewithMasonry TitleofClass”
    There are now:
    – 2 Slashes between “Startseite” and “PageWithMasonry”
    – No slash between “Page with Masonry” and “Title of Class”

    When i add a slash after the anchor ( PagewiththeMasonry /’;) i get a third slash after “Startseite”
    “Sie sind hier: Startseite / / / PagewithMasonry TitleofClass”

    This is strange cause when i use any other character (like X or – or anything else) than the character is behind “PageWithMasonry”
    Like “PageWithMasonry – ”
    But if i use a slash it gets strange



    Thank you for the update.

    Another user provided a custom code using the same filter, which might work in your case.


    Just replace this line with your own condition.

    if (is_page([36, 38, 40, 42, 44])) {
            $parentIsCustomLink = true;
            $parentBreadcrumb = '<a href="" title="About" rel="home" class="trail-begin">About</a>';

    Or post the login details in the private field so that we can test it in your installation directly.

    Best regards,


    “Just replace this line with your own condition.”
    This is unprecise.
    1: instead of the code you gave me yesterday or additional? If additional- how?
    2: What conditions are we talking about?

    kind regards


    Hi Eva,

    1- Instead of the code Ismael gave you earlier.

    2- In your case, you can use post ID to apply it on selected posts. It should look as following

    if (is_single([36, 38, 40, 42, 44])) {
            $parentIsCustomLink = true;
            $parentBreadcrumb = '<a href="" title="About" rel="home" class="trail-begin">About</a>';

    You can edit your posts to find their ID’s in your browsers navigation bar – and replace the IDs (36, 38, 40, 42, 44) in the example

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit

    1: Your code does not work at all. Its still “Startseite / Name of the Post”
    2: The code Ismael gave has more issues than just the 2 “/ /”.
    On mobile the breadcrumb shows the wrong order..
    It says “Startseite / Name of the post / Home of masonry”
    3: “if is single” means a condition for every single page which makes a lot of work.
    There must be a better way.
    Something like “if is CPT courses” or so


    PS: The rel attribute you added seems wrong to me cause its not any kind of relation

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by evas49.


    Using the first filter works fine on our end. The second one might need a bit of adjustment. Have you tried to replace the condtion with the is_singular function?

    if (is_page([36, 38, 40, 42, 44])) {
            $parentIsCustomLink = true;
            $parentBreadcrumb = '<a href="" title="About" rel="home" class="trail-begin">About</a>';


     if( is_singular( 'post_type' ) ) {
    	           $parentIsCustomLink = true;
            $parentBreadcrumb = '<a href="" title="About" rel="home" class="trail-begin">About</a>';

    Make sure to replace post_type with the actual name of your own custom pos type. Please provide access to the site so that we can test the modifications.

    Best regards,


    “Have you tried to replace the condtion with the is_singular function?”
    Did i say anything that makes you think that i understand PHP?
    So why dont you simply paste a complete code instead of let me spend my time with trying to understad semi cryptical “advises” and timewasting trial & errors?

    Yes, i replaced post_type with the actual name of my own custom post type.
    But even your new code does not work.
    It is still: “Startseite / Name of the Post
    Are you sure that the codes you gave are complete?

    The first code you gave worked – except the fact that that were 2 slashes.
    Why dont you just try to follow this idea?




    Our support does not include customization however we try to be as helpful as possible. You do not give us enough information, not even a link of your website and expect us to give you a fully customized code depending on your answers.

    Let us not waste any more time. If this is something you really need, hire a freelance developer.

    Best regards,

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