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  • #733455

    Hi there,
    The height of the breadrumb bar increases when viewing in tablet and mobile.
    Any ideas to fix this?


    Hey web4698,

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    #top #header_main > .container {
    	height: 70px!important;
        line-height: 70px!important;
    .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main {
        padding-top: 130px!important;

    This will reduce the header size in all screens if you like to target tablets add the code inside a media query block :)

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Vinay.

    That doesn’t work. It’s just the red breadcrumb bar I’m referring to on the inner pages.



    I can’t find any breadcrumbs on the link you’ve provided. Can you send us a screenshot please? use or dropbox.

    Best regards,

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