What would you recommend as best practice for having a homepage slider that rotates various “action items” with a side column of text similar to what’s seen here with Builder: http://html.orange-idea.com/builder/home-page-3-example/
I’ve taken note as well, that the awa page refuses to respond to full-page layout with the events calendar even though the enfold theme settings for SIDEBAR LAYOUT has “No Sidebars” set, and the actual page itself that has the calendar has the default selected with “No sidebars”. Any particular reason why it won’t respond?
Hi Justin!
1) You can use a 2/3 column element for the slider (i.e. use the AviaSlider) and a 1/3 column for the text on the right side. The included LayerSlider is currently tweaked for Enfold and does only support fullwidth layouts. If you want to use it for a 2/3 column layout you would need to purchase it as a standalone plugin or you can use another slider like Master Slider or Revolution Slider.
2) The events calendar “events” page unfortunately is no page in a classic sense but afaik the plugin creates it dynamically. Thus you also can’t apply sidebar settings, etc. to it because these settings require get_post_meta() http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_post_meta and a page/post id to work. The events page does not have a page id and thus you can’t save or query settings for this page.
You can’t use the sidebar options for the events page. However you can try to hide the sidebar with css – insert the code into the quick css field:
.events-gridview .sidebar{
display: none;
.responsive .events-gridview .container .eight.units{
width: 100%;
border: none;
Thanks buddy, that seemed to work.