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  • #1182052

    Just wanted to add this to the archives in case it isn’t immediately obvious to other folks. This took me a half-hour to figure out.

    I have a site wherein the tool-tip/caption comes up for rolling over a gallery item, just above it. When attempting to evoke it, it worked fine if you mouse-over from left, right, or from below, but from the top the tool-tip would bounce up and down. Turns out that this is because the tool-tip itself sneaks in under the mouse arrow, taking focus from the gallery item itself, causing it to continuously cycle between hovered over and not hovered over. So the tooltip bounces in and out of existence.

    The solution is to just make the tooltip a non-event for the pointer.

    .avia-tooltip,.avia-tooltip .avia-arrow {

    Hopefully this helps somebody.


    Hey OOTMD,

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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