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  • #371712


    i am trying to set up the theme and want to remove the following bottom border:

    Bottom Border

    I tried removing it, but so far it didn’t work.
    The highlighter under the main menu can stay, but how do i change or remove the other bottom border?

    At the moment i got the following css:

    #header_main_alternate {
    border: none;

    #main_color container_wrap fullsize {
    border: none;

    #header_main {
    border: none;



    If you can provide me with a link to the website, i could check out where the border is coming from and how to remove it.



    Hey MaxJulian!

    Please try adding !important rule as following

    #header_main {
    border: none !important;

    If that does not work, please post the link to your website


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