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  • #1202023

    Hello everybody

    on the Home page
    I have defined buttons
    for example “support” with a fine frame in blue

    With the contact form
    i also tried to make a fine border with css for the text fields

    what am i doing wrong in css to define the border

    thanks and best regards


    Hi schweg33,

    Can you give us a link to the page you mentioned?
    You can post the link in private content.

    Best regards,


    thanks a lot
    I forgot about it


    Hi schweg33,

    For the buttons like support in your site, since you are using 1/4 column in it, you can edit that column then go to Styling (tab) > Border (set to any amount).
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    Thank you very much Nikko
    Now the display is perfect

    You can close this request

    Kind regards

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