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  • #907568

    Hi All,
    Before updating to most recent version of Enfold, I formatted the site so there was no border between the main container and sidebar. After the update, now there is a border. How do I remove it?

    Also, I thought that when a child theme is installed this type of issue should not occur. Any thoughts on why this is happening?



    Hey Valerie,

    Child theme is preserves the changes you have done in the file, but I don’t think it’s needed on this situation (but if you want to use child theme, it would also be great). Try adding this css code in Quick CSS (located in Enfold > General Styling):

    #top #main .sidebar, 
    #main .content.av-content-small {
        border: 0 !important;

    Let us know if this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the fix!



    Glad that we could help! Let us know if you need further assistance or if we can close this thread :)

    Best regards,


    This thread can be closed. Problem solved. Thank you!



    Glad to hear that. Thanks for using Enfold! Have a great day :)

    Best regards,

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