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  • #1464470

    Hi Genius Team,
    The main content body of our website has just shrunk to 1010px from its setting of 1310px for no apparent reason.

    – We have updated to the latest version 6.6.2.
    – We have deactivated plugins.
    – We have reset theme to stretched layout and back again and it made no difference.
    – We tried adding this css to Enfold child styling to force the width back but made no difference:
    .boxed#top, .html_boxed.html_header_sticky #header {
    width: 1310px!important;
    – We have changed no styling except a H2 change in Enfold child stylesheet (and the styling has been triple checked)

    ….running out of ideas, can you help please? Website Link

    Kind regards,


    Hi G-Team :)
    Just adding to Annemaries case.
    Cookie info and content is also showing … below the footer… (New case/matter) It is not suppose to show?

    And FYI I rolled Enfold back to 5.71 – The Size was restored! (See Annemaries issue above ) :-)
    Feel free to upgrade again –
    Thanks for your magic!


    Hi Annemarie,

    The login details you sent don’t have administrator rights, please check.

    , please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard ….see the private note.



    Thanks for that. The theme options apply if the content in Quick CSS is removed, so you likely have some invalid or open code in there. You can try checking it in CSS lint tool:

    Best regards,


    there is a rule:

    .jumplinks {

    remove that quote – to:

    .jumplinks {

    this quote hampers the curly bracket to close that ruleset


    Thanks Rikard, I found the error… fortunately it was the last style I added (it has a ” at the end which I missed!)

    .jumplinks {
    text-decoration: underline!important;
    color: #0000ee!important;”

    Thank you so much for your time and a pointer where to find it.




    Great, I’m glad to hear that you found the problem. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Perfectly solved… you can close the topic, thank you!



    Well spottet – Thanks for your razor sharp eagle eye!! 😁
    That solved a 1000 things!!



    Thanks for the update, we’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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