Tahat is a usfull code. of course. of faster Fileupload and less generation in the uploadfolders. Thank you for that!
What I actually need is to remove the image that is shown in the sidebar at the category box.
<span class="news-thumb "><img src="http://wp-sandbox.twaudio.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/beer-sheva-turner-stadium-israel-60x50.jpg" class="attachment-widget wp-post-image" alt="beer-sheva turner stadium israel" height="50" width="60"></span>
I thought i said that.
maybe Josue can help?
I’m sorry but you didn’t mention anything about “sidebar” or anything like that. We’ll ask @josue to check it. :)
The whole article was about the thumbnails in the widget. // that was why I mention it again.
Can yu understand my thing now. I want a function to delete the widget sidebar thumb
But for SEO issues not just display: none;
Oh. OK. My bad. I thought you want to remove all thumbnails in the theme. Try to modify framework > php > class-framework-widgets.php, remove this code around line 526:
echo "<span class='news-thumb $nothumb'>";
echo $image;
echo "</span>";
If you want to do it in a child theme, I think copying the whole avia_newsbox class should do the trick.
Thank you, perf. And sorry for the missunderstading and the inconvenience