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  • #780210

    Hi, recently we have blurry pictures in our products.

    I am not able to fix it myself, i tried alot of resizing, regenerating and css options.

    Sometimes the image get’s the good quality , but when i switch to another product and switch back the picture is blurry again.

    has it something to do with the recent update for Enfold and woocommerce ?

    Hope you can help,
    Thank you


    Hey rvdnol,

    Please refer to this document:

    Fixing Blurry Product Images

    and in this reply there are two solutions proposed.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hello, I am experiencing the same issue…with only my Primary Product Image on the product page:

    I’ve been following threads on this issue for two weeks and haven’t found anything that’s resolved my issue. I am not skilled at Child Theme integration or some of the coding that has been offered as solutions, but I can follow instructions well; and none of the instructions offered are explicit enough to get me through the steps of possible solutions.

    I’ve updated the latest version of WC; I’ve checked resolution on the photos; I updated the Enfold theme to 4.0.5; and I’ve been poaching these threads for a possible fix here…

    Any help would be appreciated!


    Same here, specifically on the product image in the sidebar on the product page. I’ve followed the Woocommerce instructions, regenerated thumbnails, changed image sizes, changed Woo product image size/hrad crop settings and attempted child theme CSS changes… still blurry. : /

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    If you look at the source code in Chrome it superimposes a height and width of 120px on the image.



    I do not see any icons at the sidebar I am afraid



    Hey sorry about that, you are able to check mine at this time, I had

    .attachment-shop_thumbnail {
    display: none!important;

    Looks like JasonAmerica is still having trouble too.



    Hi, i managed to resolve my issue , steps i took :

    1. Installed the child theme and at import/export migrated the parent theme settings to the child one
    2. The only issue i had after that was my widgets got messed up, needed to rebuild my menu’s ( did that by switching back and forth to the parent theme to see my settings., or you can write them on paper)
    3. For big fonts at category pages i used code below
    Enfold->website styling->quick CSS

    .woocommerce .woocommerce-loop-category__title,
    .woocommerce li.product .entry-header h3 {
    font-size: 14px !important;
    text-align: center;

    4. Resize and rebuild images ( after setting the sizes below here ) , currently i use woocommerce settings for images at woocommerce->settings->products->view

    catalog images 200×300 hard cut
    product images 300×500 hard cut
    thumbnail images 120×120 hard cut

    ( my primary images are rectangle )

    All my images are normal quality now, very happy to have this one resolved !



    Hi Jason,

    Importing the child theme is not very difficult and you always can switch back to the settings you have now

    Download the enfold child zip, go to theme and manually upload the enfold child zip file

    After installing click activate

    Go to “enfold child” in the left menu and go to import/export, press the “import parent theme settings” button, after sparky message you’re all set, like i said in my message i needed to fix the widgets menu’s, that was all, i don’t know if we all have the same issues



    @rvdnol regenerating the thumbnails was a bad decision. Read why



    If it is done now, it is done :)
    If you fixed the issue, that is good to know.
    Please review the more all of the tickets created.



    Allright!, thank you ( i have read so many possible solutions, could not get my head around this change ) the message you forwarded makes sense, anyway to restore after regenerating thumbs?


    @rvdnol nothing is lost and nothing is damaged for ever. Once Enfold will get a WooCommerce 3 compatibility update you will regenerate the thumbnails again.

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