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  • #28927

    Hi Devin

    I still have this open quetion about the blurry images! I opend for you, my website please go to http://www.diefarben.com and tipe in the Password: Enfold_2013

    On my Website you’ll see that the images are slighly blurry. Somehow the images are scaled down and I don’t know why because I uploadet them ecatly the size I set for. What can I do – need Help!

    Can you please answer me today I need to go online – thank you.



    Hi Btina,

    The images are scaled down based on what container they are in. So if you want your portfolio images to not be scaled down then you should upload them at 650 width.




    Hi Devin

    Can’t I just take out the scale down option some how? Or does then the structure fall apart? I just don’t understand why the Gallery size is 710x575px and you tell me I have to scale them down to 650x 526.4px that means a lot of work to me! Do I have to set the same for the preview Image? And how can I calculate then the correct size I need for…? This is not really a good solution – do you go a other idea?

    Thank you



    This image: http://diefarben.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/alstom_logo.jpg is 710 pixels wide.

    On this page: http://diefarben.com/portfolio-item/alstom/ the container for that image is 650 pixels wide.

    So in that gallery you have selected to use the full size image which is 710 pixels wide. This means the image gets scaled down.

    Just keep in mind that you are only trying to match the exact size for Desktop users. So tablet and mobile users will still be getting an image that is scaled down.

    The “Gallery” size is automatically created for any image that is larger than that size. However it will still be scaled down if the container you put the gallery in is smaller than that.

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