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  • #579166


    Please take a look at the website sated in the private content.
    The white logo on the Header image looks fine on pc/mac/iPhone, however, on the iPad it’s very blurry.
    Also the other product images do not have the same sharpness on iPad.

    I’ve tried different image sizes, but no solution there.

    Thanks a lot for your help!


    Hi cathysdm!

    I checked your link but your currently hiding the logo via CSS so I’m not sure I understand.

    Take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do so we can get a better idea.



    Hi Elliott,

    I am hiding the enfold logo, but not the white logo showing in the middle of the header screen.
    Please refer screenshot in link.
    The white logo shows on mac, laptop, iPhone, but not on iPad Air.
    Does this has to do with retina?




    I checked your website on Safari on OSX 10.11 and on my iphone but could not see any issues. I will ask my teammates to check your website on their ipads. Please kindly wait to hear from them.



    I found the exactly same issue,
    web page on PC, Mac, iPhone are looks fine. only on the iPad….

    btw, using the Mac’s ios simulator simulate the ipad will looks fine though, but the real world test on my friends’ iPad is still very blurry.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Jory.

    Hi @Jory,

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?


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