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  • #519746

    Hi, I’m using bloggposter to display a series of available job positions with an image (graphic) in the Chosen image. I would like to use a blogg poster for the positions that are no longer open. But with just the title and excerpt, no image and no link. I’ve tried to set this up on this page:
    I’ve tried using Custom CSS Class to be able to turn of the image and link but I can’t figure it out. Hope you can help with this.



    Hi musklick!

    Your link is to youtube so I’m not sure I understand. Perhaps you mixed the links up.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Elliott.

    Sorry, this is the right link:

    Best regards /Michael



    Drag a codeblock element to that page and add this inside.

    <style type = "text/css">
    .slide-entry a {
        pointer-events: none !important;
    .slide-entry > a {
        display: none !important;



    Thanks Elliot, that works great on the single page, but if I want to use it on the start page together with the bloggposter displaying available jobs, they also lose their image and link.



    I can see the CSS Elliott gave you in plain text, did you put it in a code block? Send us a temporary admin login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Hi Rikard, the code from Elliot works fine on the single page but I need to use it site wide and then it breaks the bloggposter that is supposed to show both image and be linkable. So while experimenting i checked “Escape HTML Code”, that’s why you see the code in plain text :)

    This section is going to be placed on the homepage when it works, beneath the section “Pågående uppdrag”




    We use the custom css class of the blog post element then modified the code a bit. Please check it now.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael, thank you! It works flawlessly :) One more question: is it possible to add something like a bullet point in front of each entry?

    Thanks again /Michael


    Hi Michael,

    Not sure if that would be an easy fix, will the content be static or dynamic? You might want to explain a bit further as well, I’m not 100% sure I understand your intentions.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard, it’s just a design issue now. The client would like to have it like a bulleted list, like:
    • Projektledare inom Husbyggnad, Stockholm
    • Kvalitets-och Miljöchef till precisionsgjuteri, Hallstahammar
    • Kalkylator Bygg till entreprenadbolag, Skåne

    I would prefer it if it could be dynamic, but if it is hard to accomplish I guess the simple solution would be to just write it manually. Let me know if you have any ideas.

    Thanks /Michael



    the bullets you are talking about can be achieved by this button when editing a text block element:

    View post on

    Best regards,

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