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  • #1424325

    Hi there
    Warm greetings

    i am asking
    Can I write blog in classic form, not by ALB.
    like this


    in grid, can i show the whole picture, not only a part. and how can i adjust the size of square

    many thanks



    Hi Wang,

    1. Yes, you can write posts using the Classic Editor as well.

    2. The images in your screenshot looks to be background images. When setting background images to cover its containing element, then some loss of image data is inevitable unfortunately. If you would like to make some adjustments, then please post a link to where we can see the actual elements, and try to explain your intentions a bit further.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Warm greetings!
    for first question. i do not know how to use the Classic Editor like my picture? could you pls help to give instruction
    I click the “Advanced Layout Editor” or “Default Editor”, it do not show as my picture in classic

    this is product page
    it is masory from portfolio




    Thank you for your patience, in order to use the “Classic Editor” you will first need to choose this option at Enfold Theme Options ▸ Select Your Editor ▸ Use WP Classic Editor, I did this for you, and now when you create a new post the Classic Editor shows, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,

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