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  • #1420334

    How do I make the Blog Title font color black? right now it is white and not showing up.


    Hey stephaniebLOS,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can adjust the H1 element in the Enfold > Advanced Styling panel, or use this css code to override the current style of the post title.

    #top #wrap_all .all_colors h1 {
        color: #000000;

    Best regards,


    I have other H1 tags I would like to be white. I just need the blog title to be different. The code provided did not work.


    Hi stephaniebLOS,

    To target the blog title only, please use this CSS code:

    #top #wrap_all #main {
        color: black;

    If the code does not seem to work, please go to Enfold (Theme Options) > Performance > CSS File Merging And Compression and select Disable – no CSS file merging and compression and save.
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,

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