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  • #803448

    Hi! I would like some help to customize a little bit my blog slider, can you help me?

    Post Slider Border and Hover: I would like to have a border on the featured image, each category would have a diffetend border color. I would like to change the Hover color too, the default is in black, one color for each category showing the post title. You can See the layout I imagined here:

    Post Slider Arrows: The default layout shows the arrows on the top of the images, this does not work for me because I need the arrows on left and right sides of the images. You can See the layout I imagined here:

    Can you help me to add a border and change the hover color to blog thumbnail ? And how can I change the arrows to this position and customization?

    On private I am sending the user and password!

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey michellerunge,

    Do you prefer to talk in Portuguese?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hi John!

    Yes we can talk in portuguese!



    Hi John!

    I discovered how to add a border around Post Slider images and change the hover color. But I am still having problems to display the post tile on the top of the image, as hover and to make the hover a little smaller, just like here

    And I could`t discover how to change the arrows and how to display them on the sides, like this layout

    can you help me?



    It seems like you figured out how to change background color using following code

    #top .all_colors .image-overlay {
        background-color: #f7c5da;

    And to adjust the arrows, please add following code to Quick CSS

    #blog .avia-content-slider {
        overflow: visible;
    .avia-content-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows {
        right: -5%!important;
    .avia-content-slider .avia-slideshow-arrows a.prev-slide {
        left: -5%;



    Hi Yigit!

    Thank you so much for helping me with all my topics, I really appreciate this!

    The codes you gave me work fine but can you help me to display the Post title on the top of the image? On hover format?

    And is it possible to change the arrows colors? I would like to take off this gray square and make the small arrow bigger and purple. So it would match my layout with perfection!

    Thank you so much one more time!



    You are welcome! Sorry we could not help quicker :)

    1- Please install a child theme and activate it – and then refer to this post – and copy wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/postslider.php file to your child theme – and then open postslider.php file on your child theme and replace its content with this one – Then add following code to Quick CSS

    .slide-entry-overview:hover .slide-entry-title {
        opacity: 1;
    .slide-entry-title {
        position: absolute;
        top: 80px;
        left: 10px;
        opacity: 0;

    2- Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .avia-slideshow-arrows a:before {
        color: #f7c5da;
        background: transparent;
        font-size: 50px;

    Best regards,


    Hi again Yigit!

    Thank you so much! The arrows are working fine but the title on the hover top of the images are not working…

    I think I`ve followed every step correcly, but all that happened was that a tiny little ball appears above the images during hover:

    Do you think I did someting wrong?

    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by michellerunge.


    Please edit your Post Slider element and choose “Only title” in “Title and Excerpt” :)

    Best regards,



    Nice! The title is showing now on the top! But there is a pink line on the top of it, and is not centralized… Do you know why?

    I am so happy already!! Almost there! =)

    Thank you!



    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well :)

    .slide-entry-overview:hover .slide-entry-title a:nth-child(1) {
        display: none;
    h3.slide-entry-title.entry-title {
        width: 100%;
        left: 0;



    Hi again!

    It works! Thanks! Just one more thing to finish it, I hould like that the overlay color be 80% of the image size, just like kind of like this:

    Can I make the color less transparent? Is kind of hard to read…

    One other question, I am afraid that my partner will ask to keep this overlay even if is not on hover, so the title is always visible on the top of the image with the overlay color, like this blog is:
    Is it too hard to do?

    Thank you one more time for all of this, I really appreciate it!



    Do you mind create different tickets for each request so we can handle it better please?
    Your ticket going to the bottom and we do loose it.

    I hope you understand.

    Best regards,

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