Tagged: Blog, featured image
Hi, the featured image on my single blog posts is cropped at the top and bottom. I have looked through the different support forum articles and have tried all of the listed solutions, but nothing has worked. The following code increases the height, but it does so by stretching the image and not by actually decreasing the cropping.
/*Blog SIngle Post Featured Image Size*/
.big-preview img {
height: auto !important;
width: 100% !important;
I also tried adding code to the functions.php but I am using a Child theme so nothing happened.
Please let me know how I can resolve this. Below is a link to a sample post where you can see the man’s hair and legs are cut off.
Hi there, just checking in on this question. Thank you.
Thank you for the inquiry.
That is the default size of the featured image in the single post page. If you want to adjust it, install the following plugin, then go to the Settings > Media panel. Look for the “entry_with_sidebar” thumbnail, adjust the width and height value, update, save and then regenerate the thumbnails. You have to manually upload the images again if you don’t want to regenerate all existing thumbnails.
// https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-image-sizes/
Best regards,
Perfect, thank you!
Great, I’m glad that Ismael could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.
Best regards,
You can close it out, thank you