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  • #1154487

    my client want to have a slider (3d carosel actually) with a mix of images and recent blog posts.
    I am doing some tests in the advanced layerslider but am confused whether to use layers with dynamic content or some other post settings on the slide itself. I read on this thread:

    I figured out an easy way to achieve this: Just open a page and select default editor mode. In the text editor, use the magic wand and select: Content Elements> Blog posts. Use the settings as required and copy the generated shortcode in the Layer Slider.

    which seems to be what i need, but I don’t see where to put the shortcode: [av_blog blog_type='taxonomy' link='category,1' blog_style='single-big' columns='3' contents='excerpt' content_length='excerpt_read_more' preview_mode='custom' image_size='gallery' items='1' offset='0' paginate='no' conditional='' av_uid='' custom_class=''] to make it work. I want the slide to look like my blogpost, with a title, image, and excerpt text centered on a white background.

    Can you help me with this, or walk me through the best way to do this? I haven’t worked with the layerslider very much before.

    thanks for your help

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Munford.

    Hey Munford,

    I am only seeing the color section on that page and no Layer Slider. Do you have it added there?

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    the slider is there, but the posts are not showing.
    Is there another way of showing blog posts in a 3d slider? My client is interested in a turning cylinder-type 3d slider (may try to talk her out of it) for news posts, so I am looking at options.
    thanks for your help


    Hi Munford,

    The test page goes to the 404 now, did you remove it? I am not aware of another way. We have just a regular content slider, you can add it to the Layer Slider as a shortcode and see if it works for you. You can also look for plugins that do the posts carousels.

    Best regards,


    thank you I solved the problem.



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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