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  • #635424

    Hi there,
    I published a blog post and it shows up when you go directly to the link, but it’s not showing up on my blog or home page. This is actually the second time it’s happened and I’d like to know how to fix it. Here are the links to the two blogs that this is happening with…..

    The first one is showing up in the “popular posts” in the side bar, which is really weird considering I haven’t shared it and you can’t find it on my website.


    Hi bethiebfit,

    Could you post the username as well please?



    Sorry. Username is bethiebfit



    The A look at the Biggest Loser and if long-term weight loss is possible post is not showing up since it’s part of a category you have selected not to show in the Blog Posts element on the Blog page. If you select to show it there and save it should come up in your blog flow.



    Thank you. That seems to have fixed both of them.



    Glad you got it short out!
    Please do let us know if you need anything else, we will be more than happy to assist further.

    Best regards,

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