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  • #931678

    Manual image size selection feature in the blog posts grid layout is not working properly. It doesn’t do anything when you change the size selection, it just posts them all the same way regardless (with different sized photos).

    I want to be able to have all the photos display as the same size without having to resize each individual photo.


    Hey ChristineGerman,

    Please provide a link to the site/page in question. What size do you need the images to be?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    The link is below. There are several times on the main page of our site I’m trying to use the blog grid format (for example the “Latest” section). I’d ideally like the photos to all be the same dimensions (varying with responsiveness obviously depending on the screen size). At the moment they will show as the equal widths, but different heights depending on the photo, especially noticeable in the second row.

    I also want to know how to change what details are included below each post. At the moment it shows “comments/date” but it would be far more useful for our site to show “author/date” below each grid post.



    We could set a fixed height of say 250px, but this may screw up some images. The portfolio responds to the most appropriate size to keep the aspect ratio.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Is there a way to set a fixed aspect ratio? So that it would basically crop into a photo so the dimensions always display as the same ratio?



    If you use the following plugin

    You can do different things with it on how to manipulate images, remove cropping etc.

    Best regards,

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