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  • #760106


    Before updating Enfold, the blog posts element in the page builder displayed categories. We used this on our site, and now it is gone. How can we get it back?



    I am not sure if i understood the issue clearly. If field is missing, please make sure that you are using the latest version of Enfold which is currently 4.0.2 –
    Issue was related to PHP7.1.x and we have already fixed it.

    If that does not help, please post a screenshot and show the issue you are having. You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here :)

    Best regards,


    I tried the most recent version.

    When displaying blog posts in grid mode, the category of the blog posts are supposed to show up on the site. In 4.0.2, the categories aren’t being displayed.

    If you still need screenshots to understand the problem, please ask again :)



    Please post screenshots so we can make sure that we are on the same page :)

    Best regards,


    Before updating:
    After updating:

    As you can see, the element <span class="blog-categories ..."> is totally gone in 4.0.2.

    This is the shortcode generating the blog posts element:

    [av_blog blog_type='posts' categories='4,11,3,2,1' link='category' blog_style='blog-grid' columns='1' contents='excerpt' content_length='content' preview_mode='auto' image_size='no scaling' items='1' offset='0' paginate='no' conditional='' custom_class='content-bottom-left full-width']


    Hi emilbroll,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box and specify the page, where you’re having issues.

    Best regards,


    Hey, I’ve added access info in the private content box.



    instead of screenshots showing any source code, it’s better to provide us screenshots of the frontend. I checked your website and can’t see any issues. Categories seem to work fine inside your backend, as you’ve selected for every Blog Post element different categories.

    Best regards,


    Hey Andy,

    Please look at the difference between the live site and the staging site – the categories are gone on the staging site with the latest version of Enfold installed, it is not in the HTML nor is it shown on the frontend site.


    Hi emilbroll,

    To get the categories back you have to set the blog style to elegant here. The styles have changed a bit, but that’s not too hard to fix.

    Let us know if this was helpful.
    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    That’s a pretty disappointing answer – you can’t simply change things like this for existing styles without telling users.


    Hey again,

    Victoria, your answer is not OK. The elegant blog style is significantly different from the Business blog style, which we’re using on multiple sites running Enfold. I understand the need for updating some things in the theme with updates, but you cannot simply remove whole features form styles! You have got to solve this problem by reverting the Business style the way it was – with categories intact.
    We are loyal customers of Enfold, and we are running enfold on multiple sites, so frankly, I’m disappointed in your answers so far.


    Hi emilbroll,

    I was just trying to help. I understand, I would not be happy too.

    Here is the way to modify your template to get your categories back: in includes/loop-index.php find

    if( strpos($blog_global_style, 'elegant-blog') !== false ) 

    and replace with

    if( strpos($blog_global_style, 'elegant-blog') !== false  || empty($blog_global_style) )

    You will still need to apply the old css rules, you had before.
    Let us know if this was helpful.
    Best regards,


    I am experiencing the same issue with categories, since updating Enfold. The solution provided here, doesn’t work for me. Will this be solved in the next update? Why not including new styles in the theme, while keeping the “old” ones for those who are using them?



    Hi Poirot!

    Let’s continue our discussion here.

    Best regards,


    Victoria, I will not make an edit to the main theme files as this will sooner or later break in an update of Enfold. Again, I’m asking you to revert this change, otherwise we won’t be able to continue buying Enfold licenses for our projects, if you suddenly make these changes you might deem small but for your users might be huge visual changes.
    It’s obvious this wasn’t a change wanted by your users, both us and Poirot and more have expressed our views and wish for the categories to come back.

    Please change this as soon as possible and publish an update of the theme. We have bought multiple Enfold licenses, so you owe us this much.


    Victoria, I am still waiting to hear back from you.



    We are very sorry if we didn’t update or inform you regarding this minor change. There’s actually a third option called “Modern Business” which is not displaying because of a syntax error in the options file. Again, we are very sorry for the inconvenience. We will include this fix in the next version of the theme.

    Best regards,



    UPDATE: There is no syntax error. You can set the Blog Styling to “Modern Business” which is the same as the Default (Business) style but with categories.



    Hey Ismael,

    Thanks for being understanding.
    I am afraid setting the blog style to Modern Business changes more than just the categories, as you can see by comparing the links below.

    Modern Business has a different layout, is built differently, and will require lots of time tweaking CSS to make it look the same as the old version of Enfold with the business theme looked like.

    I have a proposal for a solution – release a new update of Enfold featuring either an option in the settings, or a add_theme_support('business_category') feature for child themes, activating blog categories the way they used to be, allowing you to keep the changes you made for the majority of your users, but allowing customers who did not want this change to revert it without having to edit the main theme files.
    What do you think about that?



    Thank you for the update. We forwarded your request directly to Kriesi. Please wait for his response.



    Hey, any news?



    We will add a new filter in the next version which will enable you to display the categories on any blog style. Please wait for the next version.

    Best regards,


    @Ismael, do you mean v 4.0.5 or an upcoming update?
    (I run currently v 4.0.5 and have the same issue still unsolved)



    The update that Ismael mentioned in the topic will be release in the future.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hey John,

    How far in the future? This significant change in functionality was released almost two months ago, I expect an update soon.


    Thank you, John. Do you have any information when Kriesi will offer a new update? Thanks.



    we can’t tell you when exactly. Only Kriesi knows when he feels he is finished. Feel free to follow Kriesi on Facebook, Twitter, Newsletter etc. to get notified about any updates.

    Best regards,


    I have digged deep in this forum and found a snippet from 2014, that is still working for this issue (no categories in ALB element “blogposts” in grid-layout):

    modify this file:
    config-templatebuilder -> avia-shortcodes -> postslider.php
    around line 445 (after the comments output)

    add this:

    //fix to show categories
    $category = get_the_category(); 
    $output.= '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">'.__('Category: ','avia_framework')." ";
    $output.= $cats;
    $output.= '</span><span class="text-sep text-sep-cat"> </span>';

    with the ALB element “blogposts” and its “blog-grid” layout I get this on my testpage:

    Works fine until a theme update.



    : Yes, that should do temporarily. You should be able to use a filter soon once the update is release.

    Best regards,

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