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  • #1291748

    Hey there,

    on a clients website I used the Blog Posts Element of ALB with a responsive switch (1100/0011). On larger screens I chose 3 columns, on smaller there should be only 1.

    Without the switching on smaller screens the three column element degrades to
    – 1 Post 100%
    – then 2 posts 50% each
    – then 1 post 100%
    – then 2 posts 50% each
    per row and so on.

    Utilising the switch – duplicating the element and setting it up for the screens – it shows 3 columns on larger screens and fails completely to show any posts at all on small screens, while columns are set to 1.

    What can I do to establish elegant responsiveness?

    Best regards

    btw: No cacheing, no minification, no combining of scripts are enabled



    If the “No duplicate posts on this page”-function is activated within the element, it seems only the first responsive variant in code is being displayed, which in some cases (depending on the responsiveness settings and the order of elements in code) means it is not displayed at all.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by eee_lala. Reason: Conclusion


    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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