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  • #399327

    This may be out of scope for this forum. I apologize in advance if that’s the case.

    I have a Blog Posts element pulling 6 most recent blog posts into a page. The ‘excerpt’ feature takes the first sentence or so from the blog post and displays it above the “Read More” link. Instead of auto-generating this excerpt, I’d like to write a one sentence description (of what the post is about) and have the Blog Posts element output this one-sentence description in place of the auto-generated excerpt text. Is there a way to do this with Enfold?

    If not, there are numerous subtitle plugins that enable a subtitle field for each post, and then provide a PHP function to copy/paste:

    if (function_exists(‘the_subtitle’)){ the_subtitle(); }

    Would one be able to plug this into blog.php and get the output?

    Thanks for any guidance. Maybe a feature request is in order…


    Hi Bmart ;
    In your Blog post element options you can chose to show or not the title, excerpt, link.
    In order to show your own “text” as exerpt you can insert it while creating the post under the text zone of the post.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by begrafiks.


    What @begrafiks wrote will insert your own excerpt, just chose screen option in the upper right hand corner of the post/page screen and tick Show Excerpt, the will add another box where you can fill out your custom excerpt.

    Thanks again @begrafiks :)

    Best regards,

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