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  • #488033

    I can only get my posts to show up on blog page if I use the wordpress “Reading” settings to designate home and blog page and leave the Theme setting “And where do you want to display the Blog?” set to “Select page”. As soon as I set that setting to any other value the posts don’t show up on blog page. I am trying the godaddy WP managed hosting, but I also have tried Enfold at another URL there and did not have the same problem. WP and Enfold up to date and all plugins deactivated. Ideas? Thanks, Rob

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by rdswestnet.

    Hi rdswestnet,

    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Here you go. Thanks Much.


    PS there is another weird thing with this site which is that it does not get the “mobile-friendly” designation in google mobile search returns. That has never happened before.

    also when testing with google mobile friendly test it says 2 resources block by robots text:…?ver=4.2.4…?ver=4.2.4


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by rdswestnet.


    can you please try to activate a default WordPress theme and check again? we wait to tell us about your results.



    when I activate 2015 the blog acts normally and displays according to the wordpress Reading setting.




    if it worked normally on your other Enfold installation as you said in your first post, then I think there might be some corrupted files on this one. Try to delete all theme files and get a fresh copy from your themeforest account.



    I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean I should write over the theme files by FTP with a fresh copy of Enfold, exactly as I do when doing a theme update? Or something more?



    Hi, same problem here: the blog posts don’t show in blog page sidebar (under the title Quer mais sabedoria), instead it shows portfolio items.
    In the footer, in the enfold widget “Latest news”, the blog posts don’t show either. Only portfolio categories are seen.

    Please fix urgently!!!! (for blog page)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by ax2201.

    Oi ax2201 what is the name of that column of sharing icons on the left side of your page? Obrigado.




    Hi @rdswestnet,

    Yes, if you are updating via FTP then it would be the same procedure, download a new copy from your Themeforest account and upload everything onto your existing installation in order to overwrite everything.



    Hey Folks

    just updated to wp 4.3 and newest enfold – no help.



    I tried logging in with the details provided here but they don’t seem to work anymore, could you check please? Did you try using the Blog Posts element to see if that works better?


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