On my site I have 2 separate blog elements for “Sermons” and for “Reflections”.
The post categories are “Sermon Archives” and “Reflections”. When I scroll through the pagination for each blog, the results are correct. I see only reflection blogs on the one blog element and I only see sermons on the other blog element.
However, when I go to click on a specific blog and read more on it, once I start cycling through to the other posts I notice that sermons and reflections are included together, which shouldn’t be the case. All of my posts (as far as I can tell) are setup under the correct categories.
Please help me identify how I might correct this.
Hey danieltyrala,
Thank you for the update.
Are you referring to the side navigations in the single post page? You may need to add the following filter to have it display posts from the same category.
add_filter( 'avia_post_nav_settings', 'enfold_customization_same_cat' );
function enfold_customization_same_cat( $s ) {
$s['same_category'] = true;
return $s;
Best regards,
Thank you for the update.
The category settings in the blog posts element doesn’t affect the side navigation (https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_adjacent_post). The navigation fetches the adjacent posts by default — ordered by date. You can add the filter in the functions.php file. Make sure that the posts have no categories in common.
Best regards,