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  • #1414713

    I’d like to create blog posts linking to articles that I’ve written for other websites. I’d like them to display a small photo and an excerpt from the article so someone can click on it and read more. I understand how to designate a page on my site where I want to display the blog posts. But I can’t figure out how to do the rest. How do I do this? Thanks.


    Hey steveorrmedia,
    Try using the a column element with a image element and text element under it for your excerpt,
    then use the column link option to link to your other sites:

    Best regards,


    I appreciate the help! But one other question. Is there a way to have the article open in another tab rather than the same window or a new window? Thanks.


    Yes that is an option

    Best regards,


    Got it. Thanks. And sorry another question…is there also a way to set up a “read more” at the bottom of the excerpt that if clicked would also link to the article? Want to give folks as many options as possible. Again, thanks!


    You can not have a link inside of a link, so if the column is a link you can’t add a link in the text element because the whole element is already a link. You can use one or the other.

    Best regards,


    Understand. Again, appreciate the help…though as a beginner I’m sure I’ll have other questions as I build my site!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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