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  • #967045

    I understand that if I use the advanced editor the blog post title does not appear by default.
    Here is the blog post I’m trying to change:

    I want my default title back- this what I’d like to use:

    Please Help Me!


    Hey Dave,

    I’m not sure what you mean by that, how is the article you linked to related to the header of your blog post? Like you mentioned, when using the layout builder for posts you will need to add all content to it manually, or switch to the default editor once you are ready to save.

    Best regards,


    G’day Rikard
    Sorry for confusion.

    The Blog article, which is done with the Default Editor –
    This blog article shows the Headline and the Category the article is in ‘Inspiration’

    However when using the Advanced Editor a blog article like –

    This blog article Does NOT show the Headline and the Category the article is in ‘How To’

    Also the Feature Image doesn’t work on Advanced Editor. It’s normally visible when you click Preview but not when Published.

    Note we added a feature image by using the Easy Slider.

    Can you please tell us what we need to do to use the Advanced Editor and have a;
    1/ Title (Automatically put into Blog)
    2/ Category (Automatically put into Blog under the Title)
    3/ Is it possible to use the Featured Image function. To have the Feature Image appears under (or even above) the header on a single post?

    I hope I explained it better

    Kind Regards, Thanks heaps

    Dave Cane


    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the clarification. It’s unfortunately not possible to have that content put in automatically when using the Layout Builder for posts, you will have to add it all manually to the post using the Layout Builder. You could try to switch to the default editor once you are ready to save though, that should bring in the “default” elements.

    Best regards,


    Thanks heaps :)



    Glad we could help :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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