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  • #891714

    I have been using Enfold for several years on It appears that with the latest update, my blog posts are suddenly sorted as “oldest -> newest”, effectively showing the first ever published post on the homepage.

    I am not sure whether this is purely an issue because of Enfold 4.2 on WP 4.9.1., but it is driving us bonkers…

    Can you help? Or can you show us where to download the previous version of Enfold so that we can downgrade to 4.1.2.?

    Many thanks!


    I think the problem lies in the “loop” of my WordPress installation, but I am not sure whether the theme update is creating the issue – or WP itself.

    Could you help me sort my blog posts in DESC order as they used to be? Now, they are shown in ASC order (oldest to newest).

    Thank you very much!


    Hi newlyswissed,

    These articles might help you

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I, too, am having this issue all of the sudden.

    It is safe to say this is an enfold update issue versus something that users need to trouble shoot.

    Here is the page I am having issues with – – the message library image section.

    I have posted the code in the private section (I can’t stand it when people post thousands of lines of code in the comment section).

    Please advise. Thanks!


    I am glad to see that I am not the only one having this issue!

    Brigitte is also experiencing the same troubles:

    @Mods: Any chance you can dig into your Enfold 4.2 code and release an update?



    Did you try the filter? I visited the site but it looks broken with css codes exposed.

    add_filter('avia_blog_post_query', 'avia_modify_post_grid_query_desc');
    function avia_modify_post_grid_query_desc( $query ) {
        $query['orderby'] = 'date';
        $query['order'] = 'DESC';
        return $query;



    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for looking into our issue. We realized that the latest version of the Events Calendar Pro plugin was breaking the site.

    Could you check to see why this is the case? Otherwise, if we ever update the plugin, it will not be compatible with Enfold and we will run into the same issue again.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by newlyswissed.

    I agree with both of these post participants. I’ve added the code that should allow for posting by date, but it is not solving the problem. It sounds like the quickest fix right now may be to revert to an older version of the Events calendar?



    The filter should work for the blog posts element with grid layout. Are you using different posts elements (magazine, masonry etc)?

    Best regards,


    No, I am not, Ismael. Have you or the other moderators looked at my site from the front and back end? I’m very certain I’ve followed all of the recommended fixes and nothing is working. I’m at a loss as to how to correct this.



    : In the functions.php file, I found the “avia_custom_query_extension” which is not needed anymore because the order and orderby options are already included in the blog posts element. I tried to modify the functions.php file via the Appearance > Editor but I’m getting the following error.

    Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP.

    Please remove it then reconfigure the blog posts element’s sort options.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ishmael

    I removed that code from the functions.php file. However, all this did was remove that feature from my blog post element and kept the same order (i.e. ordering from oldest to newest).

    Can someone help me in a more dedicated manner? I’ve had this issue and tried every fix since December 20. It’s very frustrating and we have a huge event coming up this weekend.





    : I’m very sorry if this is taking a bit too long to be resolved but we’re doing our best to help. Please provide the FTP details in the private field so that we can edit the functions.php file. We can’t modify the file from the Appearance > Editor panel.

    Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP.

    Best regards,



    I will also ask the rest of the support team to check the thread.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael

    Below are the private details. Thank you!



    We figured out that the latest update of the Events Calendar plugin was causing the reordering of posts. By downgrading the plugin to an earlier version, Enfold 4.2. suddenly “worked” and we were back to normal

    I hope this information will help someone here in the forums.


    Thank you, newlyswissed. I downgraded my version of the Events Calendar Pro and I am no longer experiencing this issue. There is a bug somewhere between this theme and that plug-in.


    Hi newlyswissed,

    Thanks for sharing, much appreciated! Just for the record; which version of the Events Calendar is working with 4.2? We’ll try to investigate this further and hopefully implement the necessary changes in the next release of the theme.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Rikard.

    We are running Events Calendar PRO 4.4.19, which appears to be working,



    Thank you very much for the feedback, we’ll try to investigate this further and hopefully come up with a fix for the next release of the theme.

    Best regards,


    exactly the same problem after I updated The Events Calendar Pro from 4.4.19 to


    Hi all,

    The last snippet in this thread can do the trick

    Events Calendar Pro Featured Image Size In Single Events

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Finaly I solve the problem by downgrading The Events Calendar PRO 4.4.22 to 4.4.19



    Thank you for letting us know, we do appreciate it a lot

    Best regards,


    Please let me know if you can fix this so that I can upgrade Events Calendar. Thanks, Nancy



    Our developers found out that this is due to the Events Calender Pro’s Events -> Settings -> General -> Recurring event instances option. It breaks the standard WP query and it seems to occur when multiple custom post types are involved. Do you have that option enabled? On a staging or a test site, please use the latest version of the theme then toggle the said option.

    Best regards,


    You guys are awesome! Seriously – absolutely awesome.

    Have you been in touch with The Events Calendar people or is this something that we would do well to let them know about. Just let me know how we can assist. Obviously something changed on their end and it’d be awesome to get it corrected.



    Yes, our developers have created a fix which will be included in the next patch, can you try to apply it and let us know your feedback, you can find it here:
    Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Information related to category magazine.

    Please check the screenshot. It contains all 3 questions with arrows indicating what I am referring to.



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