I need to have blog post placed in tabs section where post autor is on the left but whitout sidebar area.
When I switch off sidbar area, post autor image is align center
Please find my screencast with details here
Thank you for help
Hey Krzysztof,
I believe I understand, you want the blog post to have the author image to the left and the post full width. Yet when you remove the sidebar the author image is centered. My first thought is if you have nothing in the sidebar it will take no space, My second thought is that you have a Two_Fifth column with nothing in it keeping the blog post from being full width, have you tried removing it? If you leave all as is and try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:
.avia-builder-el-4 {
display: none !important;
.avia-builder-el-2 {
width: 95% !important;
I achieve your result, I believe.
Hope I understood correctly.
Best regards,
Sorry but you code doesn’t work.
I need to keep layout when post autor is on the left but without sidebar
Please find details in screencast here
How about if we hide the sidebar on that page? can you enable it again so the author image is to the left?
Best regards,
No It is the point. If I hide sidebar author image is center. I need to have image author to the left when sidebar is hide.
Can you please include a admin login in the private content area so we can take a closer look.
Best regards,
Please find
Ok, how about this: (site is set now, you can view live now after you clear your cache)
I enabled sidebar so author image is to the left, then I added this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field to hide sidebar and white space:
.page-id-413 #after_section_1 {display: none!important; }
Best regards,
Thank you, it is exactly what I need