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  • #741976

    I have been trying to post articles with Enfold, but am experiencing some issues which are stopping my work.
    Everything went fine with the first post. When I tried to publish the second one, something strange happened. Iniitially it was published in the comments of the first one, so I went ahead, canceled it from the comments and tried to re-post it. At this point, although it is set as ‘published’ the post does not show in the article list on the main blog page (so it’s kind of invisbile anyway), but only at the end of the first post (that one that it’s visible) within the ‘related articles’ suggestions.

    I have already checked:

    -the article list is set to show up to 5 articles, so everything’s ok with that
    – the categories are the same as the other post, so no problem with that either
    – the article it’s actually published (not saved as draft or things like that)
    This is a bit urgent as I need to move forward with my publishing schedule

    Thanks in advance

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by NicoleVA.

    Hello. Problem solved!



    Great, glad you solved your problem :-)

    Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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