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  • #351231


    How can I use a colour section and a special heading as the general layout for blog posts? I want the layout looking the same as my blog page.

    If this is not possible, how can I change the colour of the title container, without changing the alternate content design.

    Many thanks,


    Hi Coronacom!

    That would have to be considered custom work but we can still change the title container with CSS.

    .single-post .title_container {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 red !important;

    Or if you want to change it everywhere then do this.

    .title_container {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 red !important;

    Best regards,


    Cool thank you, this gave me the first step into using an image so it’s all how I want it now! Thank you very much!

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