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  • #1419866

    How can I view all posts published by a single author? Can I have a mansory preview in the page by the same author? Thank you


    Hey daimonart,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    A dedicated page is automatically created for each author, displaying posts they have written or published.



    You can also create a custom author template, but this will require a bit of coding.

    // https://codex.wordpress.org/Author_Templates#Custom_Author_Information

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael, thank for your support.

    I have another problem: among the custom elements (ALB) there is no cod block and full-width menu. Can you help me understand how I can do it?

    Thank you



    Thank you for the update.

    there is no cod block and full-width menu

    There is a Code Block and Fullwidth Sub Menu element in the Content Elements tab of the ALB. In order to easily find elements, try to adjust the sorting of the ALB elements by name (ascending).

    Best regards,

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