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  • #968102

    Hello, I am having trouble getting my blog page to be like the other pages in my site… no sidebar.
    I have tried many things, but nothing seems to get rid of it!
    Also, I have tried to make the featured image larger and on top. This also ignores me.
    I hope you can help!


    Hey MysticMimi,

    You can set to not show a sidebar in the Layout menu on the right hand side of the screen when you edit a post.

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately, I have tried that. It is not reflecting on my site. I’ve also asked it to hide the breadcrumbs, etc. and it is not responding. I have gone on to the server and flushed the cache too. No help!

    I would show you a photo, but I don’t know how. Can you possibly go onto the site and see it? I can’t figure out how to fix this!

    Thank you!



    Thanks for that, it was because you had set the same page as your blog page in the theme options (it will use a different template then). I unset the page and the settings on the page are now applying, please review your site.

    Best regards,

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