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  • #574297

    I’ve just created my newest Enfold blog and the blog will not produce articles beyond the Post Number count.
    On my home page (link supplied in private content) I have the blog set to show 2 per page. When you click the Pagination numbers below that to see more articles, it’s not advancing (i.e.: …/page/2/).
    But this problem is occurring only when I select that page as my Home page within Enfold Theme Options. (If the page is not set to be Home, then the blog works correctly.)

    I’ve checked my version of Enfold, along with WP version, and both are up to date.



    Hi laptophobo!

    Your link is not working for me. Can you check it?

    It’s most likely that your Enfold version is outdated. Make sure Enfold is updated to the latest version, 3.4.7.

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliott.
    I think the reason the link wasn’t working when you tried was that I was just in the middle of swapping out the previous Enfold version for a fresh version. I uploaded it manually since the previous version was also 3.4.7.

    The problem still persists. Could you please look into it again?

    Thanks much,



    I see. There have been a few issues reported where pagination does not work on the homepage only. Is WordPress updated?

    Can you send us a WordPress login so we can take a closer look?



    Hi Elliott.

    The WP version is current (4.4.1). I’ve added you as a User. Please see Private Content for the access.



    It starts to work when I activate Enfold instead of your child theme. Also, I would delete the extra copy of Enfold you have there.

    EDIT: Also, there is an issue with the latest version of WordPress it looks like,, so you can try the fix out there or wait for the next WordPress update and it will probably be fixed then.


    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliott,

    I wasn’t able to get the pagination to work even with activation of Enfold parent theme. (I did delete that old backup version of Enfold.)

    The solution was found following your thread, leading here:

    Hopefully in the next WP and Enfold update, this will not come back to haunt us.

    Thanks again,



    Wordpress 4.4.2 is out now and it looks like it’s fixed. Update WordPress to see the results.



    Hmm. Not for me. 4.4.2 is running. When I restored the query.php (in wp-includes) back to the original version (not the modified version) the problem returns. Or, should I have not touched the query.php file once 4.4.2 was installed?

    You can see for yourself.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by laptophobo.


    When I restored the query.php (in wp-includes) back to the original version (not the modified version) the problem returns.

    Why did you have to restore the query.php file after you updated WP? Did you use the 4.4.2’s query.php file?



    Sorry Ismael. I had some backwards login happening for a moment there. The new query.php file (from 4.4.2) has corrected the problem.
    Thanks again.



    Great! Glad to hear! :)

    Best regards,

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