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  • #725133

    1. I can’t seem to get my blog page to look like the demo “blog multi author” setup, where the authors gravitar goes down the left hand side of the page and the preview image is MUCH smaller. Can you help with this?

    2. How can I reverse the sizes of text in testimonials carousel. Where the name is larger and the quote is smaller?

    Thank you.


    Also, my homepage slider is not adjusting correctly in size if I minimize the screen. If I enlarge it beyond 1,037 pixels, the image gets cutoff. Thanks in advance for your help!



    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    User: help
    Pass: help2016!!!

    Thank you!


    FYI, the blog multi author setup issue HAS BEEN FIXED. Thank you.

    The other two questions are still open…



    I checked the link you’ve provided, but can’t find the elements in question. Please always provide us a precise link, cause we need to be able to inspect them.

    Best regards,


    here are links to an open issue I have:

    1. How can I reverse the sizes of text in testimonials carousel. Where the name is larger and the quote is smaller? How can I adjust the whitespace between the quote and the author name?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Andy.


    please always open a new ticket for a new question/issue.

    Put your admin access (pw etc.) into private content, otherwise everyone is able to see it.

    Use this code:

    strong.avia-testimonial-name {
    font-size: 7px !important;
    .avia-testimonial-content {
    font-size: 10px !important;

    and adjust both as needed.

    Best regards,



    to adjust space use this code:

    #top .av-large-testimonial-slider .avia-testimonial-meta {
    margin-top: 7px;

    Best regards,


    Thank you. I put this code in the custom.css file and in Theme General Styling. It worked for one of my sites. I have two, using the same theme for both. Can you take a look why the second site changes are not working? I’ll put login info below.



    have in mind that we’re answering hundreds of posts each day, so I don’t remember what I already did for you. So please explain further what you want on your other page. Best to open a new ticket for it, as already said. Use screenshots to describe what you want.

    Best regards,

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