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  • #1180312

    Hi Enfold heros!

    I want to use the blog option of Enfold and I have some questions about that:

    1. I am using Blog style: Single Author, big preview Pic with Blog Content length: Excerpt with Read More link. In the blog post I have text, and after the first paragraph I placed a Read More break. Now, when I view the Blog overview page, there is no text, nor a Read More link. (To test I have placed some text in the WordPress excerpt field, then it shows that text.) On another website using Enfold, I have used exactly the same settings, and here I see the starting paragraph and a Read More link, as expected. Can you help me in finding out why it doesn’t work in the website I am developing now? Link is in the private section.

    2. On the blog overview page, I would like to change some things. For example, removing the avatar image, the vertical-delimiter under the title, and I would like to move the date from the post-meta-infos to under the title, and above the text. Which file do I need to edit to achieve this? I thought it would be in config-templatebuilder/blog/blog.php but that is not the file I’m looking for I think. For now I’ve hidden some elements with CSS, but that’s not what I want, nor can I achieve everything with CSS.

    Thanks for helping!



    Hey Daniel,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    1.) Did you use the advance layout builder to create the content of the posts? If yes, then you have to define the excerpt or summary of the posts manually. You can enable the Excerpt box in the post editor’s Screen Options panel.

    2.) Have you tried adjusting the Enfold > Blog Layout > Blog Style settings. The Default (Business) option should place the date or post meta info below the title. If you don’t like the result, try this script instead.

    // https://kriesi.at/support/topic/move-date-below-blog-title-using-blog-posts-content-element/#post-1170884

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    Thanks for answering my questions.

    1. I did use the ALB. However, on another Enfold site I have also used the ALB to create the content of the posts, and here it works as I intended. The link of that is in the private section. So it is possible, right?

    PS. Also, in the website I am developing now, I am not seeing the Read More link.

    2. Thanks, this will do :-)



    Thank you for the update.

    Can we access the wilenweg site? We would like to check how the blog is set up.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael, of course! Details below.

    Regards, Daniel



    Thank you for the info.

    Looks like it’s only possible when the first element in the builder is a text block. You’ll have to add the excerpt manually because the first element in the strila posts is a slider.

    Best regards,


    Hi @ismael,

    I have tried your suggestion and I see the post you created, but also when I am only using a text block, there is no text on the blog overview page. Also, on the other website I am starting a post with a full width submenu, followed by a color section in which I have a title element and then a text element.

    Regards, Daniel

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Daniel.


    We forgot to mention that the editor has to be set to the Classic instead of the Block editor. And anything before the more tag in the text block will be used as the excerpt. Please check the test post again.

    This is the excerpt.
    More content here.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hi @ismael,

    Yeah, that’s it, thanks! Last question then: where’s the Read More button? I’ve set up the blog posts to show Excerpt With Read More Link.

    Thanks, Daniel



    You’re welcome! Glad it’s working.

    We edited the includes > loop-index.php file to append the read more button to the excerpt. For some reason, it’s not being added automatically.

    Best regards,

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