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  • #726741

    Hi. I’m trying to set the blog to a grid or small picture format, and no matter what setting I use, it just goes to single post, large image layout. Any suggestions?


    Same for me, please fix!



    Just to clarify, is this what you want to use on your blog?

    Best regards,


    That is correct. Yes.



    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    Login credentials include:

    • The URL to the login screen.
    • A valid username (with full administration capabilities).
    • As well as a password for that username.

    Best regards,


    Hello, sorry, I hope you understand, I ‘m not speeck english well

    so, I have a problem about Blog solvable in 2 ways. ( I’m not need to use a blog page but I use a tag and portfolio category into a navigation menu)

    1 way) If I setting the Elegant blog with a Grid, the preview image of the posts are displayed in the right way grid in the tag , but not in the portfolio category . I wish display the same layout grid in both. Furthermore although i had put into -Enfold-Element meta Blog to show only the comments count, categoryes and tag, it show other things I do not.

    2 way) if I setting the Elegant blog with a single autor and large ( or small) preview, is dispayed a default size of images in the grid of 400 x 450 px but i need to show a different size, for exemple 300×400 or 450 x 675 , but no more large and using this proportion (not horizontal but vertical).
    I noticed that resizing 2 times the highlights image into a portfolio posts( making a potfolio posts) , will be show a very big preview image in the tag grid and portfolio categoy grid but with the rigth proportions, so until today i have make this. For this reason when you will visit my post or porfolio category page, you will not find a default size of images 400×450 but the big preview…

    I hope you will understand my bad English..

    ps; sometimes My site have a problem with cache, so I suggest you to clean the cronologie after have making changes, and press the purge button of Purge SG Cache.
    best reguards

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Basilis.


    Please create a different ticket with your question and your private data, for security reasons.
    Thanks a lot



    please, help me,
    send me a link where i can make a diferent ticket..

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Marco.


    Go to there’s a form at the bottom.

    Best regards,

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