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  • #1362512

    Hey there,

    I have tried several Options, but wasn’t able to get my blog layout to look like on this page:

    This was recommended by enfold Team as a basis to create a blog layout with image left and text/Content on the right. Any help to get this working is appreciated!


    Hey Gabster,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you set the page as the blog page in Enfold > Theme Options > Where Do You Want To Display The Blog settings? After selecting a page as the primary blog page, please go to the Enfold > Blog Layout panel and set the Blog Layout settings to Single author, small preview. The same blog style will be applied to the primary blog page and to the archive pages (category, tag etc).

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    yes I did that and also tried the blog posts widget to show the posts and set the Layout to Single author, small preview. No Luck :-(



    Hi Gabriel,

    Can you upgrade the user permission from subscriber to administrator? so we can check the backend settings and try to fix it for you.

    Best regards,


    Oops. Done :-)

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Gabster.


    Thank you for the update.

    The blog page looks different compare to the demo because the sidebar for the blog page has been disabled and the posts have no excerpt or summary. We enabled the sidebar back for the blog page (Enfold > Sidebar Settings > Sidebar On Blog Page). You may need to add more content to the posts or define the excerpt manually to make your blog look more like the demo.

    Best regards,

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