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  • #291458


    I would like to show on a desktop and tablet the blog grid with 3 columns. Unfortenately it will also be used when viewing on a phone. This looks strange.

    So, I would like to have the blog posts grid show on a mobile phone 1 column and on desktop and tablet 2 columns.

    Normally I would create the grid twice (one 1 column view and one 2 columns) and use the plugin ‘Mobile Detect’ to comment one out for phone and the other for tablet. To do so, I build the page with the template builder and switch to standard view so I can comment the shortcodes properly but the Avia templatebuilder does not show any shortcodes when switched to standard view…

    Hmmm, any ideas how to fix this?


    Hey originaltours!

    Please firstly update Enfold to the latest version 2.9.1 via FTP – and let us know if issue remains

    Best regards,


    Aiii, I have a lot of custom coding in the templates to show and style the custom fields I created with the ACF plugin. Any chance you have a file change list against version 2.8.1 so I can check if my files can be used or I have to create them again…



    Please see changelog here –
    Also, if you are making changes on theme files, we recommend using child theme ( ) to avoid losing these changes while updating the theme



    I thought I only could change styles with a Child theme, not coding?

    I’ve seen the changelog, any chance you have a list of changed files (e.g. loop-index.php or sidebar.php and so on).




    You can change files using child theme as well and you can find list of changed files here –



    Hello Yigit,

    It’s been a while but I’ve been busy working the template to a child theme and enable my custom field work. In this process I’ve installed the latest version of the theme (2.9.1.) to use this as my parent theme. When enabled (without any customization or child theme enabled) I’ve checked the blog grid on my mobile but it is still a two column layout which is not what I want. Please see the screenshot (iPhone 5).

    Please let me know how I can show the blog grid on mobile in a 1 column layout.




    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .slide-entry {
    width: 100%;
    margin-left: 0;



    This works, thanks! Ticket can be closed.

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