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  • #1128824

    Hi there – been a while hope you’re all doing well.

    Easy one from me today, I’d like my blog posts to display on my homepage but in a section at the bottom. Specifically at the bottom where it says “what’s trending now” – I played around with the “grid layout” feature and tried to display it via widget but it’s not functioning properly.

    I’d like the posts to appear as they do here –> tradedoctors.com/blog but I want them to appear at the bottom of tradedoctors.com

    Hope that makes sense.




    Hi Ben,

    Are you using the Blog Post element? If so then which settings are you using for it?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I’m not sure, I’m including my login details in the private section for you to checkout.



    Hi a00109943,

    You need to update your php to php7 for the code to work properly. Then you need to update the theme and then you can use blogposts element to show what you need.

    Best regards,

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