Tagged: thumbnail size
Hello, I have a blog grid on my frontpage and the thumbnails are not cropping properly.
I want them to be in the same size. I already set in advanced builder “choose the preview image size manually”, but the image does not stretch into the size.
I want them to be around “360×270” size.
Is there a solution to this?
Hi alvinhy!
That is for the actual image size. They will always take up the max amount of space (depending on the columns you set) though. This is to make sure it displays nicely on all screen sizes including small phone screens.
If you force them to be 360 x 270 via CSS then it will look weird when you resize the browser.
Best regards,
So does that mean I cannot have the images in the same aspect ratio?
You can actually, have you tried using a smaller custom size like the below example?
Best regards,
I did what was noted in http://i.imgur.com/Tkpw3Tb.png.
The featured images was set to portfolio size, however my blog grid thumbnail sizes are still not uniform.
Any reason why that could be?