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  • #25915

    I added “blog posts” from the content elements to a page and I selected specific blog categories for it to pull from but it continues to pull from categories that are not selected. What can I do?



    Can you give us a link to your website? The category selector works fine on our end.

    Disable all your plugins, see if it works.





    If you look at the blog page, it should not be showing the first two posts from the “gear” category.

    Deactivating the plugins did not help any.



    Please post a snapshot of your settings for the blog page element.

    Are the blog posts in Gear category located in a single or multiple categories?




    Hi satucker,

    Try removing blog post element from that page, saving, and then re-add it in. Then just double check that you only have the single blog category selected.




    Tried to do what Devin suggested and maybe this adds more pieces to the puzzle. When i delete and save and then go to the live page to verify, all the posts still show. When I add new (non blog) content, the posts still show. When I empty site cache and then open on a browser that has never accessed this site before, it still shows the blog posts.

    Whats up?



    So when you delete the posts , they remain? What if you delete the entire site, will it still remain? Because that’s a good way to get free hosting. :) That was a joke, but you mean if you changed the theme, the old theme would remain? Because the only way you can delete a post then look at that post through a browser that never been to that site, is if the post is not really deleted or is held in a cache on the server. Can you ask your host what cache are being used if any on the server side?



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