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  • #730777


    I added a featured image to a blog post. It looks like the image is bigger by about a pixel, and when you hover over it it expands one more pixel.

    You can see it on the first post on the blog with a hockey player.


    Hey xuamox,

    I couldn’t see anything like that on the page you linked to, could you post a screenshot of the issue please?

    Best regards,


    Here is a link to a screenshot. If you zoom in you can see the 1px of the photo that is showing on the right edge of the post title and text block.

    When you hover you see more of it.




    this does not happen for me:, not even on hover. Which browser and OS are you using? make sure to use newest browser version. Update theme to the newest version. Clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times.

    Best regards,


    Version 55.0.2883.87 m
    Google Chrome is up to date.
    Windows 7

    this is where I am having issues

    Apple OS X
    works fine.



    double check on a different computer as well, to make sure your information is right. What about a different browser like Firefox on Windows?

    Best regards,


    I still see this issue, but we can close it out. Probably something weird on my end


    All right, we’ll close this thread now. Let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.

    Best regards,

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